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Showing posts from 2017

thoughts on confession, forgiveness and God

I belong to an online Bible Study.  The reading this morning prompted me to write the following.  These are useful thoughts about sin, forgiveness, confession, and God's love for all of us To consider.      The study focused on Psalm 32:1-5. “ the psalmist wrote, “ day and night your hand of discipline is heavy on me.  my strength evaporated like water in the summer heat.   finally, I confessed my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt.  I said to myself I will confess my Rebellion to the Lord.’ and you forgave me.  All my guilt is gone!”    (message)     I want to say several things this morning in response to the reading. the first thing is that I will confess every morning I read the post and the comments.   I spend time contemplating the word.   I often have thoughts About the readings that I would like to contribute to the discussion.  It is ofte...

Breakfast with God

sometimes when I read My Bible in the morning I like to take what I read and transform it or think of it In a way that seems to fit in my everyday life.  This morning I was reading from Psalm 66 verses 8 through 12 “He trained us first, passed us like silver through refining fires, he brought us into Hardscrabble country, he pushed us to our very limit, Road tested as inside it out, he took us to hell and back and finally brought us to this well-watered place. I have never refined any metal so I'm not very sure what that experience is like. I can only imagine it. I was making my breakfast as I do every morning.  Scrambled eggs  and tea.  as I Aimlessly stirred the eggs my mind started to wander.  I begin to think about this morning's reading. What if God is the Cook and we are the eggs?   We, the eggs are all nice and cozy in a hard but delicate  shells. We, the eggs living a life Always separated from others in our Shell.  As I th...