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Showing posts from January, 2020

A Wrinkle in My Time Living with Hemianopsia

    March of 2009 my world was rocked.   I experienced a cryptogenic stroke which is a stroke caused by a blood clot from an unknown cause.  The clot was located in the right frontal occipital lobe of my brain. As a result, I suffer from Hemianopsia. What this means is that a portion of my visual field is missing in both my eyes.  Hemianopsia is classified by the part of your visual field that’s missing. These are the parts of my visual fields that are no longer there.   left homonymous: left half  superior: upper half  inferior: or lower half  In other words, I can only see in the right side visual field.  Another way to illustrate this is to ask you to imagine a dinner plate divided evenly in four quarters.  I can only see portions of the right side quarters of the plate. If we run into each other either at the church or on the street please know, it is very hard for me to recognize anyone.  I only...