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Hounds, Birds, and Squirrels The Battle Begins

Recently I had a deck added to my home.  Now  I  spend time outside enjoying our beautiful North Carolina weather.  I have hung several bird feeders along the perimeter of the deck.  Also, I placed the feeders so that I can watch the birds from my bedroom window. This also enables me to observe the birds if I am at my computer writing. I have spotted redheaded woodpeckers, purple finches, chickadees, brown Carolina wrens, and bright red cardinals, and many more species.  I love discovering all of the various birds that inhabit my area. I  listen to their songs. I sit and watch the antics of my feathered friends.  Either from the deck or through my window. Unfortunately, my bird watching bliss has been interrupted recently by the appearance of a gang of squirrels. I had found a seed mix that was the perfect offering, and that would attract the widest variety of birds. But, to my dismay, the seed mix for the bird turns out to be a favorite meal of an annoying gang of squirrels.
In the past few months, I have engaged in a war with that gang of squirrels. Now I find myself spending sleepless nights trying to think of a counteroffensive to the attacks of the sneaky grey squirrels.  Nothing seems to stop them. As I open my eyes in the morning, I can see the squirrels hanging precariously from my bird feeders and gorging on the seed.  As soon as the sun and I rise, the battle begins.
Day One
My counter-attack starts with the unleashing of the hounds.  I open my back door, and I call the hounds.   I watch as Miss Bella
Finn McCool
runs with lightening ing speed right past the feeding squirrels.  My mighty hounds race across the deck and down unto grass. But, the enemy is holding their position as they continue to devour the seed in the bird feeder. Boris (my name for the leader)and his gang are positioned firmly with their greedy claws holding tightly to the feeders dangling above my deck. The hounds seem to be ignoring the enemy combatants. At this time, the enemy is firmly entrenched in their strategic position and dangle above the deck rail. Taking advantage of the distracted hounds, Boris and his gang continue to eat.
Meanwhile, the hounds are now searching in the grass. I assume they are seeking their advisory after being diverted from their target. But, no, I find the hounds are looking for a place to relieve themself after their night in the house.  The squirrels continue to feed as I drag myself across the room and stumble to the door that opens to the deck.  At the sound of the door handle turning the squirrels scatter.  My hounds run past the squirrels and rush back into the house. It appears that the hounds are interested in only their breakfast and the morning nap that will follow. 
With coffee cup in hand, I now take over leadership in this battle.  The dogs look to me from their beds, letting me know that they are exhausted from all that running. I wonder, are my warriors asking for reinforcements?  My hounds know that the battle has just begun! Tomorrow the battle continues.
A pair of Gold Finch


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