My husband and I stood side-by-side on our deck, enjoying the peacefulness of a summer morning. After a few quiet minutes, I remarked to my husband, "it is peaceful listening to the birds."
Our yard is surrounded by many trees, and because of that, we have a large amount of wildlife that visits our yard regularly. We have seen wild turkeys, deer, woodchucks, hawks, foxes, and coyotes. And an assortment of songbirds birds. Oh, and don't forget the many squirrels that come to eat the birdseed that I leave out for the birds. (grrr) This morning, the songbirds were singing their choruses in many joyous voices.
My husband responded, "it is nice to have some peace amid all the chaos that's going on in the world right now." He was right! His comment caused me to stop and think.
There is an extraordinary amount of chaos in the world today. There are political arguments that have been erupting in the different news media. The COVID pandemic has stirred heated discussions over questions about the possible transmission of the virus. We debate with our friends, coworkers, and others. Should I wear a mask, or is it ok not to wear a mask? How far away is enough social distance? Should the governor open the state or not? In addition, there are questions about racism. Should statues that have stood for a century be removed or even destroyed? To many, they are symbols of racism, but to others, the statues represent timeless works of art, and yes, too many of the statues are symbols of a terrible time in history.
Will Uncle Ben, aunt Jamima, and Gone with the wind be blown away and forgotten? Will they be archived in a dusty vault, never to be seen again?
Last night I read about a realtor in another state that is choosing to no longer use the term "master bedroom" because the word is related to the slave industry. As a realtor for many years, I wonder then what will the room where the adults of the home sleep?
Life feels troublesome, confusing, and downright heartbreaking to many people. We are all struggling with these same issues. Are marchers in the streets peaceful protests or rioters? Who matters more? Do Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, All lives matter. are not we all created equal in the eyes of God? What if we were to follow God's teachings as the rule of law? I believe Many things could change.
Each question is a new fence that is being erected between people. Friends become enemies as we are asked to declare what side of the fence we will live on.
With all of this happening, anxiety and stress in people are increasing. Depression is up, and suicide rates are rising. Spousal abuse is on the rise. People are becoming more argumentative, judgemental, opinionated, and angry towards each other.
I sat lingering this morning with my now very cold cup of coffee unfinished in my hand. I asked myself, what lessons was I taught? How can I use my faith as I look for answers?
Lesson one,
Do not be a clanging cymbal! Always speak the truth with love.
Is that the clanging of cymbals that I hear? If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but have not to love, I am only a ringing gong or a clanging cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1 NIV
The controversies are causing us, even Jesus loving God-loving Christians, to lose ourselves amid the clatter and noise. We are drowning in the loud voices claiming that they are speaking the truth. I am not claiming I have the answers. I might find out I am wrong about everything except this one thing. God will guide me with his word, his son Jesus and if I am willing to listen to His Holy Spirit.
Lesson two,
God is the source of our peace.
The world did not give me the peace of this morning. Only God, in his wondrous creation, could orchestrate the combination of sound, sunlight, and a summer morning breeze that would calm a heart that was anxious and concerned with the state of the world in which we. The trees and all the birds that live in them were. Given to us by God, our creator. God gives us these things so we may experience His world's beauty.
Lesson three, remember.
God is in control!
Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid. John 14:27 NIV
Lesson four
I should keep my thoughts, mind, and heart pointed in the right direction.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think on these things. Philippians 4:8 NIV translation
I had to look each verse up to recall exactly what they were. But that is not the point of why I am telling you this.
Be Blessed, my friends. With God, all things are possible.
Take all things to God in prayer!
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